Listen closely - peace is all around us. When we simply be still and re-member ourselves, the answers appear.
How to be the peace, find the peace, remember it...
Tips and ideas, gathered from here and there.
I am the I am like you are the I am like we are the We that Muhammed Ali talks of in the world's shortest poem and biggest truth. "Me. We."
I have been known to forget who I am only to be reminded in fearful, humiliating ways, but it's cool, ese, because sometimes that's what it takes.
I am what I choose and I choose to remember a different way now, a higher way, always reaching higher, always learning, giving, being more than I was before because the I am is ever expanding beyond infinity - or as Buzz says, "to infinity and beyond" - and then it contracts like a breath and the journey begins again. Right now I am breathing in and the expansion is inevitable so that I am filled enough so that I can breathe life into you.
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